Team Check In Information

2024 Copa Rayados McAllen Information for participating teams

NOTE: Schedules and Bracketing will be posted soon.

REMINDERS BELOW - please review: 


ALL TEAMS MUST FOLLOW THE Online Team Check In instructions below which is also posted on the website.  If teams do not check in online, as posted, they will be required to check in at tournament headquarters on Friday May 17th  (the first day of the tournament) between 5:30pm-7:30pm.  Teams will not be eligible to play without a stamp approved roster from check in. 


Tournament Headquarters:  Located by the concession area and restrooms

Online Team Check in:

              Deadline to upload all documents: May 15th Wednesday at Midnight

You will upload into GOTSport all the following for Team Check in

A) Official State Roster / or/ US Club Soccer Roster / or National organization roster (if other) : with all players that will be playing on the roster - with uniform numbers on the rosters [the rosters must be uploaded – we do not use the GOTSport generated rosters that some registrations systems use]- upload the official roster. 

NOTE:  Guest players - can be written in on the rosters:  all players need to have uniform numbers on the  rosters.  Guest players must have player card, medical release, and guest player form from your state association if required.

B) Player ID cards- from a national/ state soccer governing body – such as USSSA, USYS State Associations, SAY Soccer, and US Club Soccer.  

C) Medical Liability Release form:  This is posted on the website as well as HERE

            -  All families and staff must sign

D) Teams will pickup a stamped roster at Tounament HQs before their first game and get 4 copies of their roster to bring to all matches.   This will be emailed to the listed PRIMARY CONTACT on the GOTSport tournament team registration- if this needs to be a different person, please update your GOTSport application information. 

Game Procedures:  Teams will be responsible for having all rosters/ player cards/ medical releases.  Team will provide a stamped tournament roster to the game officials of each game in addition to the player/ coach cards .  Teams must be at the fields with all documents a minimum of 30 minutes prior to the matches.

Field Map:  HERE

Parking at Idea Toros College Prep Academy: Will be Free. 

Rules:  HERE - NOTE: per the sanctioning, governing bodies, players cannot "play down"/ "bio band" in younger age groups, regardless of if they are rostered on the team - all players must be in their age groups - or can play up to older age groups. 

Monterrey Rayados:  We are excited to partner with LigaMX powerhouse CF Monterrey Rayados.  There will be scouts and directors at the tournament to identify future talent! 

Boys Champions:  Division winners will earn free and guaranteed entry to the Copa Rayados Internacional in Houston (Nov 27-Dec 1, 2024).


Copa Rayados McAllen Staff